GME Segment-Specific Resources

Resources and insights to increase diversity, and support executive and business master’s programs

Executive and business master’s programs are part of the business school portfolio and GMAC has numerous resources that will help your program reach and recruit traditional and non-traditional backgrounds candidates.

Business master’s programs

More than 3,000 business master’s programs use GMAC products and services to reach and recruit students.

If you are seeking to recruit undergraduates into your graduate business programs, let our Undergraduate Recruitment Toolkit be your guide. We also shared insights from our undergraduate survey in four articles:

The Master’s Leadership Conference is our flagship event for those with strategic oversight of the business master’s portfolio of programs. However, content that addresses the specific needs of staff working with business master’s programs are woven into all our events.

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Business schools agree on the need for more diverse classrooms but diversity means different things to different schools. We’re here to help.

GMAC regularly develops and shares insights arising from our research suite to shine a spotlight on the state of diversity in the GME pipeline in the context of a diverse world. We’ve also conducted research to learn more about the URP recruitment success of for-profit GME programs and our findings will help all programs increase diversity in their applicant pools

When a full-time MBA programs achieves gender parity it is to be celebrated, but all too few programs achieve this goal. Our Research Brief will help you move the needle on women’s applications and enrolment in your full-time MBA program.

Lastly, insights developed from the prospective student survey can help your school plan and execute diversity recruitment initiatives for specific groups.

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Executive programs

A growing number of schools worldwide rely on the Executive Assessment to gain insights into an applicant’s real-world business skills and their readiness for the program. Developed with the busy executive in mind, it requires minimal preparation, takes 90 minutes, and offers flexible scheduling options.

If you are seeking to attract experienced professionals to your executive programs, our media solutions will help you reach them. We offer a range of marketing and advertising opportunities to get you in front of the 6 million plus unique visitors to the GMAC family of websites.

GMAC regularly develops and shares insights arising from our research suite and ensures that these include content that specifically addresses executive master’s programs. Recently we explored the gender gap in EMBA admissions.

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