Market Your Program on

To attract more candidates, more candidates need to know about your program.

Put your program out there.

Showcase your university and programs to everyone who is interested in earning a graduate management degree. Introduce prospective students to what you offer, invite them to events, and inform them of opportunities. If your university accepts the GMAT exam, you will gain even greater benefits from our collection of proven marketing programs and services—all designed to help you recruit students.

Make Sure the Best Candidates Can Find You

Participate in our Program Finder and your programs will be included in the search results delivered to potential candidates who use the search service on, a site that receives 460,000 visitors per month.

Share Your Recruiting Events

Open houses, information sessions, scholarship deadlines, online events—post your school-sponsored on- or off-campus events up to a year in advance, and make them searchable by location, date, and school name. This free service puts your calendar on the radar of thousands of potential graduate management candidates who use the Find Events search on

Reach Out to the Military

US Military personnel and veterans represent a significant pool of high-quality potential applicants who have valuable experience and training. We help you understand, appeal to, and engage these individuals who can bring great insight and perspective to your program.

So Much More than the GMAT Exam

The GMAT exam is an essential component of our service offering, but there is much more we can do for you—and the marketing programs described above are just a sample. We also apply our deep expertise and vast experience to recruiting and research products and services.

We also provide downloadable marketing and collateral to provide to your prospective students.