Exam Structure, Content & Features

The shortest GMAT exam ever at 2 hours, 15 minutes, with only 3 sections, 64 questions, and no writing assessment.

woman with pencil

Exam Structure

Quantitative Reasoning: 45 minutes, 21 questions, assesses problem solving skills
Verbal Reasoning: 45 minutes, 23 questions, assesses critical reasoning and reading comprehension skills
Data Insights: 45 minutes, 20 questions, assesses data literacy skills

Watch: Data Insights Explained

The Data Insights section measures candidates’ ability to analyze and interpret data and apply it to real-world business scenarios.  With the GMAT exam’s updated test design, Data Insights leverages Integrated Reasoning and Data Sufficiency question types to measure a newly calibrated digital and data literacy dimension—one of the most relevant and in-demand skills in business today.

It is composed of 20 questions that ask candidates to assess how multiple sources and types of information – including graphic, numeric, and verbal – relate to one another and can be leveraged to make informed decisions. Questions may require math, data analysis, verbal reasoning, or all three. Candidates can use an on-screen calculator while working on this section. 

Candidate-Friendly Features

Question Review & Edit
Candidates can bookmark and review as many questions as they want and can change up to three answers per section.
Select Section Order
Candidates can take the exam in whatever section order they prefer.
Improved Official Score Report
Detailed performance insights provided to candidates for free.
Easier Score Sending
After candidates know their score (and not before) they can send it to 5 schools for free.

Learn More About the Candidate Experience

Get even more information about the exam structure, content, and a candidate FAQ page at mba.com/gmat.