Online & Hybrid Learning Data Report

August 2024


This data report draws insights from GMAC’s latest annual surveys to highlight candidate, program, and employer perceptions of online and hybrid programs. With information from different geographic and demographic backgrounds, the data report demonstrates where and with whom demand for online and hybrid delivery is highest—as well as identifies areas of opportunity.

Quick Facts

  • Globally, candidate preference for hybrid learning continues to increase at the expense of in-person learning, while interest in predominantly online learning remains flat. 
  • Candidates who prefer online and hybrid learning are now somewhat more optimistic about these programs’ networking and career opportunities.
  • More than half of hybrid and online GME programs reported application growth in 2023—but most online master’s programs saw application declines.
  • Among different employers, U.S., tech, and manufacturing employers are most open to the idea that in-person programs do not necessarily impart stronger technical, leadership, and communication skills.