Application Trends Survey Benchmark Tool

Frequently Asked Questions about the Application Trends Survey Benchmark Tool

If you have questions that don't appear in our FAQ list, if you need more information about using the benchmark report tools, are experiencing problems, or simply want to share feedback about the benchmark tool, please email us at


I completed the survey, but I am not the person who needs to see the results.

The survey results will be sent to the person who responded to the survey, as well as to individuals you indicated should receive a copy. You may also forward the survey results to the appropriate person.

My university responded for several programs. How many benchmark reports can we run?

You can run up to 5 benchmark reports for each program that responded. If your university responded for three programs, for example, then you will be able to run a total of 15 benchmark reports—5 for each program type.

To which schools or programs may I compare my program?

For each of your 5 benchmark reports, you can select 5 or more programs of any type to compare with your program.

Can I go back and see my results after I run them the first time?

Yes, each benchmark report you generate is saved in the online tool, and you can access those reports as often as you like.

I need to present the benchmark data to my department. How can I do that?

The benchmark report tool offers several ways for you to present your data, and includes instructions for the following options:

  1. Export figures: You can download figures and charts and then save or paste the images into a presentation program such as PowerPoint.
  2. Download data: Copy data for individual items and paste them into an external spreadsheet program such as Excel.
  3. Show the benchmark report live online from your computer.

Why do some of the bar graphs not sum to 100%?

The benchmark report tool does not display data for ‘Don’t Know’ and ‘Not Applicable’ responses, but includes these responses in the final calculation.

Will other programs be able to see the answers I provided to the survey?

No. Your responses are confidential. Data for each benchmark group are displayed in the aggregate. The interactive benchmark program uses a sophisticated mathematical algorithm to ensure that complete responses from benchmarked programs are not individually identifiable.