GMAT 2023 Competitive Intelligence Report

GMAT 2023 Competitive Intelligence Report

What you need to know before the 2023 report is released

Hands pointing out statistics on a report

The GMAT Competitive Intelligence Report is designed to provide market intelligence on business school candidates who have sent scores to your graduate business program(s) in the 2023 testing year. The custom report analyzes the demographic information and score sending behavior of these candidates to summarize your market position in the competitive GME landscape in the context of:

  • The candidates who sent GMAT score reports to your programs.
  • Your top competitor programs for these candidates.
  • Your market share, based on unique GMAT examinee volumes, in global and local markets.

As a benefit of GMAC Membership your school is eligible to receive a report for all programs that meet the eligibility requirements. The 2023 report is expected to be released in December, and with that in mind we wanted to provide you with a quick guide that can hopefully answer some of your questions leading up to the report delivery.

Who is eligible for the Competitive Intelligence Report?

  • Each member School is eligible to receive a report for any/all program(s) that received 50 or more GMAT test scores within a single academic testing year for the last three (3) consecutive years. An Academic year runs from July 1-June 30.     

How are the Competitive Intelligence Reports delivered?

  • An email will be sent to Member School Deans, Primary Representatives and Alternate Representatives announcing the release of the reports and providing access instructions. Login to your user account will be required to preserve the security of your competitive data.

What can I expect from the 2023 Competitive Intelligence Report?

  • Data provided in the Competitive Intelligence Report includes a multi-year view of unique candidates sending scores to your program through the lens of top countries of talent, age, gender, undergraduate major, and work experience. The report also provides your program’s market share in terms of the number of candidates sending their scores to the program type globally, in your program’s country, state/province, or/and metropolitan region.

What are some examples of how the Competitive Intelligence Report can be utilized?

  • Information in the Competitive Intelligence Report is geared towards Program Directors, Admissions teams and Deans to make decisions about their school's position in the wider Graduate Management Education market.
  • Data from the report can be used by school professionals to better understand, by program type and over time, their school's talent pool and which other schools they compete with for that talent.
  • School professionals can also monitor their market share, by program type and both regionally and locally, over time, to develop marketing and program strategies.  

How is the report organized?

  • Once you have followed the link to access your report, you will be presented with an HTML page that contains the content of the report.
  • On the left side of the report will be a table of contents that allows you to select specific sections of the report you would like to view (you may also scroll through the report to view different sections).
  • Reports will be organized by the School, program, and specific data topics for that particular program.

Where does the data in the report come from?

  • The analysis in the report is based on GMAT candidate demographic information and score-sending behaviors.

My program accepted both in-person and online GMAT exams. Will the data for both versions of the exam be included?

  • Yes, the 2023 Competitive Intelligence Report looks at the data from both online and in-person exams.

My school has multiple programs that are eligible to receive a Competitive Intelligence Report. Will I need separate links to access each program’s report?

  • No, all Competitive Intelligence Reports are created for a single Member School, with subsections in the school’s report for each eligible program.

Who do I contact if I have trouble accessing my report or require assistance with my report?

  • All questions regarding the Competitive Intelligence reports can be directed to, where someone from the research team will be happy to assist.

How long will I have access to the report?

  • The HTML version of the Competitive Intelligence Report will be available to you on your profile for as long as you reside in a role that is designated to receive the reports (Dean, Primary Representative or Alternate Representative).
  • In addition, you will be able to print or save the report as a PDF so that you may keep a copy of the information for as long as you would like.

How can I share the report with others?

  • If you are a Dean or Representative who would like to share your report with others on your team you may print the report or save it as a PDF and then forward the report on to other contacts within your school.

How would I access the report if I am not a designated recipient (Dean, Primary Representative or Alternate Representative)?

  • Please reach out to your School’s designated Account Manager to request a PDF copy of the report.

If you have any further questions or concerns surrounding the 2023 Competitive Intelligence Report please do not hesitate to contact you school's dedicated Account Manager or the Membership team at