Gen Z and Millennials: What Drives Them?

May 2024


This candidate profile shares insights on differences between Gen Z and Millennial candidates using data from GMAC’s 2024 Prospective Students Survey. The profile highlights differences in preferences including candidate motivations, barriers, and post-GME career goals. Understanding the unique experiences and preferences of these groups will help business schools recruit and retain the best talent as the candidate pipeline continues to evolve. 

Quick Facts

  • Gen Z are more likely than millennials to seek out GME to enhance their income (72% Gen Z vs. 66% millennials) and network (67% Gen Z vs. 59% millennials), whereas millennials are more likely to look for a career change (52% Gen Z vs. 71% Millennials).
  • Gen Z candidates are more likely than millennials pursue finance and accounting (41% Gen Z vs. 28% millennials) while their interest in tech is waning compared to millennials (37% Gen Z vs. 46% millennials).