For GMAC Members

For GMAC Members

Your voice matters as we work together to promote graduate management education.

About Membership

GMAC membershipWelcome! As one of 225 members representing over 1,800 graduate management programs around the world, you are an integral part of our community.

We value our relationship with you, and benefit greatly from your involvement in supporting our commitment to excellence in graduate management education. 

Our commitment to you, as a valued member of the GMAC community, is to provide the tools, services, and opportunities you need to promote your programs, recruit top candidates, grow professionally, and drive your continued success.


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As a GMAC Member School, you enjoy access to tools and services to help you in your job and in your career.

We provide you with a rich assortment of tools, services, and events to help you promote your programs, reach and recruit the best students, and stay competitive in the ever-changing graduate management education landscape. As a member, you can take advantage of:

GMAT Volumes. Gain access to this monthly resource featuring five-year comparisons of GMAT data. Get to know who’s considering graduate business study and set your expectations for the recruiting season. Track current and 5-year GMAT volumes Login Required

Event Registration. Meet your career goals and expand your network with priority registration for all in-person and virtual events. Register for upcoming events.

Member and GMAT Logos. Boost your program’s brand and promote your GMAC membership and use of the GMAT exam with access to logos for your websites and collateral materials. Download logos and license agreements Login Required

Member Directory. Use our online directory to connect and interact with colleagues and peers around the world. View member directory information.

Tools and News. Don't forget, you also have access to a wide array of tools and news sources available to all programs accepting the GMAT.

There is no fee for membership. However, as a member school, you are expected to demonstrate your commitment to the GMAC Membership Policy & Values.


GMAC Member Images 2We are committed to you and we depend on your commitment to us.

We provide you with the tools, data, and professional development opportunities you need to succeed in today’s competitive graduate management education market. In turn, your membership comes with responsibilities: 

Data Submission. You are required to participate in the GMAC Application Trends Survey by submitting at a minimum data for your full-time MBA, or the next largest MBA or flagship program, if a full-time MBA program does not exist. The information you provide will be kept confidential. Survey results are reported only in the aggregate, such that no individual response is reported.

Representative Designation. You must appoint one primary and one alternate representative to receive communications and vote in Council business. 

Board Elections & Nominations. You are responsible for nominating directors to the Board and voting in director elections. Use the information below to complete this process.

Annual Meeting. You are expected to attend the Annual Meeting and stay on top of important Council matters. As a benefit of participation, we will pay for the cost of the least expensive, direct travel route to the Annual Meeting and Conference city. In addition, we will waive the registration fee ($950) of the GMAC Annual Conference, beginning immediately following the Annual Meeting. Refer to the policy and form below.

School Professionals. You are responsible for reviewing who can access your school’s services on and listings in the Member Directory.

There is no fee for membership. However, as a member school you are expected to demonstrate your commitment to the GMAC Membership Policy & Values.

Get Involved

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Learn, connect, and share.

We offer you ample opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise, and to take on a leadership role in promoting graduate management education worldwide. As a member, you have access to the following:

New Membership Insights / GMAC Membership Research Initiative. We aim to enhance the value proposition and benefit of GMAC membership in the future and we need your help to do it right! The GMAC Board of Directors is committed to listening to your ideas about how membership can be refined and enhanced in the future. Please participate in the following ways:

Survey Research. Participate in GMAC research surveys and access to up-to-date information about applicant trends, students, employers and alumni. Sign-up your school to participate today!

Professional Development Presentations. Share your experiences and expertise by presenting at upcoming events. Check our events page to submit session proposals for our events.

Committees and Advisory Groups. Share your expertise and take a leadership role in graduate management education by joining a GMAC Advisory Group or Committee, a focus group, or contribute as a guest blogger or columnist. Share your interest in joining.

Social Media Channels. Stay connected with us and your colleagues across your favorite social media channel.

Philanthropic Initiatives. Invest in the future of graduate management education. Participate in our philanthropic initiatives to promote volunteerism and innovation at your school.

Contact Us

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We are here to help.

Please reach out with any questions about member benefits and responsibilities, or to share ideas. You can direct your questions to any of the following contacts:


  • To remove or deactivate accounts for individuals no longer employed at your school, primary or alternate representatives should email the name(s) and email address(es) with “Deactivate” in the subject line.
  • To request downloads of contact information in the Member Directory, send your demographic preferences with “Directory Download” in the subject line.

Customer Care:

  • To seek help with accessing products or services.
  • To get help in resetting your password.
  • To request marketing or other collateral materials.

Market Development Specialists:

  • To request a product or service demonstration.
  • To request a school visit from GMAC staff.


  • To inquire about research reports on
  • To request specific research assistance or support.