2021 Value of Graduate Management Education: Alumni Perspectives

August 2021


Nine in ten alumni report a positive return-on-investment (ROI) from their graduate business education, according to the 4,658 respondents to the recent GMAC survey snapshot. A Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 30 shows that most alumni are likely to recommend their graduate business school to a friend or colleague. This data indicates that the value proposition of a graduate management education is strong; alumni report a high level of satisfaction with their educational outcomes, in line with their career ambitions.

Quick Facts

  • Overall, 70 percent of alumni rate the value of their graduate business education as Excellent or Outstanding.
  • 87 percent of alumni respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that GME increased their employability.
  • Four in five alumni respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that GME increased their earnings power.
  • One in three alumni report that their median salary increased from $50,000-$100,000 to over $100,000.