Talent Mobility and The Global Economy

No asset or resource is more vital to growth in a knowledge economy than talent. And yet, policies in place around the world today evidence a mixed approach to attracting and retaining it.


GMAC has developed a comprehensive report that examines the role of immigration in the economic development and growth of global economies. The report analyzes data in the United States, Canada, China, the United Kingdom and India.

The key findings from this report support that allowing top talent to study and work in the country of their choice helps create jobs, not take them. It offers insight into changing trends for historically talent-attracting and talent-supplying countries. Business school applications are a powerful metric—and forecast—of the success of individual economies in prioritizing talent and therefore leading innovation and growth. A survey of these latest metrics shows change in our midst—and for certain economies, warning signs for the future. 

Quick Facts

  • The impact of limiting classrooms to only domestic students hampers the ability of these students to become effective business leaders in a globally interconnected world. The harm is not limited to the international students but is equally felt by domestic students.
  • Foreign nationals provide talent, entrepreneurship and economic vitality. Nations, therefore, that prioritize the development, attraction, retention, and movement of talent across borders will be best positioned to compete in the future.
  • In this report we offer policy recommendations to better facilitate the cross-border movement of talent. The attraction of international and diverse business school students is a critical priority economic resource.

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