Key Diversity Statistics: US Underrepresented Populations, TY 2015 (A Data-to-Go Brief)

April 13, 2016

This Data-to-Go brief provides an overview of all US underrepresented populations, including their representation as a share of all US unique GMAT examinees, and presents key demographic data including: gender, age, US region, years of work experience, highest education level attained, undergraduate major category and GPA, Total GMAT scores, intended graduate degree program and intended study pace.


This 2016 Data-to-Go brief is one in a series of four GMAC research briefs that present key diversity statistics for specific populations of US GMAT test takers from testing year 2015, spanning the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. The series examines demographic data about the following diversity groups: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans, collectively and individually.

The term underrepresented populations refers to racial or ethnic minorities that include the following groups of US citizens: Hispanic American or Latino, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaska Native. The category excludes Asian Americans.

Quick Facts

  • Underrepresented populations (URPs), with 11,442 unique GMAT examinees in TY 2015, account for 16.1 percent of the US graduate management education pipeline.
  • 84 percent of unique URP GMAT test takers have some work experience; most frequently reported was between one and three years (34%) in TY 2015.
  • 57 percent of unique URP GMAT examinees cite Business or Commerce as their undergraduate major, consistent with all US GMAT examinees.