2014 DTG: Where Students Are Pursuing Graduate Business School and Why

December 18, 2015

This latest report in the GMAC Data-to-Go Series looks at regional differences in demographics, motivations, and preferred study destinations of individuals pursuing graduate management education around the world. Key themes of student demographics, GMAT score-sending destinations, program preferences, and career intentions appear in data throughout.


Findings in this Data-to-Go brief are derived primarily from two sources of information, including:

  • A total of 238,356 GMAT exams taken by prospective business school students worldwide, and the 675,733 GMAT score reports they sent to business schools in testing year 2013. 
  • Responses from 12,328 prospective graduate management students worldwide who registered on mba.com and participated in the GMAC mba.com Prospective Students Survey in calendar year 2013.