GMAC Prospective Students Survey – 2022 Infographic

April 2022


This infographic highlights key themes and data points from the GMAC Prospective Students Survey – 2022 Summary Report.

It explores how prospective students’ preferences have shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic based on responses from more than 6,500 individuals worldwide who expressed interest in graduate business education in 2021.

Quick Facts

2022 Infographic Thumbnail Prospective Students SurveyCandidates still see higher value in the in-person experience, but interest in hybrid formats is on the rise.

  • 73 percent of candidates disagree that on-campus and online degree programs offer the same value.

The full-time MBA still reigns supreme as the most preferred program type.   

  • 43 percent of candidates indicate their preferred program type is either a full-time two-year (22%) or one-year (21%) MBA.

Western Europe and the US are still the top international study destinations, but some key candidate markets are now less mobile.

  • 73 percent of Central and South Asian candidates prefer to study internationally, down from 89 percent in 2019.