B-School Followup: Class of 2015 Alumni (Data-to-Go)



Results from the September 2015 poll of graduate business school alumni show that class of 2015 MBA and other specialized business master’s alumni highly value their degrees and have been very successful in finding employment opportunities worldwide, across industry sectors and job functions. Findings represent responses from 652 class of 2015 b-school alumni from 92 business schools around the world. The 2015 alumni follow-up poll collected data from individuals who responded to the Global Management Education Graduate Survey, the GMAC exit survey of graduating management students in their final semester of graduate business school, conducted in February/March 2015.

Quick Facts

  • Overall, 88 percent of job seekers in the business school class of 2015 were employed at the time the poll was conducted, approximately three to four months post-graduation.
  • Recent alumni of full-time two-year MBA programs reported an employment rate of 91 percent, five percentage points greater than their counterparts in the class of 2014.
  • The September employment rate for alumni of specialized business master's programs also rose significantly compared with last year: 84 percent versus 75 percent in September 2014.