2011 Profile of GMAT Candidates

Profile of GMAT Candidates 2011 Cover

The Profile is our go-to resource for annual data about GMAT test-taker performance and demographics. It provide a snapshot of the potential applicant pool for graduate management programs around the world.


How many examinees took the GMAT exam in the past five years? What was the average score? Find out in our annual Profile of GMAT Candidates.

Descriptions of each individual table offer specific insights about how to interpret the data. At a glance, here’s what the Profile can tell you:

  • The number of GMAT exams administered each year for the past 10 years
  • Mean GMAT scores each year for the past 10 years
  • Where examinees claim citizenship and residence, with breakdowns by world region
  • Test volume breakdown by intended degree (e.g., MBA, EMBA, PhD)
  • Test volume breakdown by undergraduate major

Quick Facts

With 258,192 tests administered worldwide, the 2010–11 testing year posted the third-highest volume ever for the GMAT exam.