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Online Application for GMAC Membership

The Graduate Management Amission Council ("GMAC" or the "Council") welcomes applications from business schools that have distinguised themselves through their commitment to excellence in graduate management education, as well as their ability to reflect and support the mission and values of the Graduate Management Admission Council.

Criteria and Eligibility:

Membership in the Council is school-based, and is open to institutions that offer a master's program in business administration or the equivalent.

Participation in the Council's governance is at the discretion of the GMAC Board of Directors ("Board"). When evaluating schools for membership, the Council's Board considers several factors, including the Board's assessment of the strategic interests of the Council, the prospective school's adherence to the Council's principles, and other criteria established or adopted by the Board.

Indicators that assist the Council's Board when evaluating potential new members include information about the school's:

Sustained Commitment to ...

  • Providing quality graduate management education
  • Fair and ethical treatment of candidates and students
  • Serving the graduate management education community

Letters of Support and Other Materials

The Board also requests two letters of support from member schools. These letters must be written by the top administrator of the school (for example, the Dean or Director). These letters may be submitted to GMAC as follows:

  • By email:,
  • By fax: +1 (703) 668-9601, or
  • By postal mail:
      Membership Committee
      Graduate Management Admission Council
      11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 300
      Reston, VA 20190
      United States

To help schools provide information that assists the Council's Board during the evaluation process, a wide-ranging list of questions is provided. It is not necessary to answer all the questions listed and any additional documentation that helps provide an accurate and comprehensive overview of the school is acceptable and appreciated.