2009-2013 World Geographic Trend Report

TY 2013 World Geo Trend Cover image-small

April 09, 2013


The World Geographic Trend Report for GMAT Examinees focuses on mobility trends around the world in TY 2013. Score-sending data reveal two key types of information related to examinees’ geographic program preferences. First is absolute change in the overall number of GMAT score reports that are sent each year, which reflects the physical size of the annual student pipeline. The second type of information is relative change, which measures the proportion of total scores sent to a given country or region and reveals structural changes in market share.

Quick Facts

  • Prospective graduate business students sat for 238,356 GMAT exams and sent a total of 675,733 score reports to business schools around the world in TY 2013.

  • Business schools in the United States received 74 percent of these score reports, down from 78 percent in TY 2009. On average, GMAT examinees sent 2.8 score reports per exam taken in TY 2013.

  • Globally, the share of GMAT scores sent to specialized (non-MBA) business master’s programs surpassed 30 percent for the first time in TY 2013.