NMAT by GMAC™ Exam

Frequently Asked Questions about the NMAT by GMAC™ Admissions Exam

If you have questions that don't appear in our FAQ list, please contact us at nmatsupport@gmac.com.

Why would GMAC want to extend its presence in the Indian market?

The Indian domestic management education marketing is one of the most dynamic in the world. GMAC's purchase of the NMAT™ exam is intended to give GMAC an ability to succeed in India, while also providing GMAC with the insight into working in and providing locally and regionally relevant services to emerging markets.

Will the NMAT exam be used alongside the GMAT exam as a global admissions exam?

The NMAT exam was designed and built for use in the Indian domestic b-school admissions market. While GMAC will learn a great deal about working in an emerging and dynamic market like India and apply that learning elsewhere, the NMAT exam has not been designed to serve the same purpose as the GMAT as an exam applicable to global admissions for students seeking to study anywhere in the world.

Should schools outside of India be prepared to accept the NMAT exam as an admissions exam since it is now owned and administered by the makers of the GMAT exam?

The NMAT exam does not process the same time-proven ability as the GMAT to help schools around the world make objective admissions decisions. The NMAT has been designed and built for use in the Indian domestic b-school admissions market. Schools looking to make admissions decisions between students from around the world, from different undergraduate disciplines, or different educational systems, should continue to use the GMAT, with its proven track record and sixty-years plus experience of support for global decision-making.

Should students from India, who may have taken the NMAT exam, expect to use it to apply to schools outside of India or should they take the GMAT?

GMAC purchased the NMAT exam as a means of participating more directly and relevantly in the India domestic b-school admissions market and students looking to study in India - at programs accepting the NMAT exam - should consider how the NMAT exam can support their applications. Students looking to apply to schools outside of India should take advantage of the GMAT exam's global applicability and proven record of supporting successful applications for more than sixty-years.